Handwritten Digit Recognition
A feedforward neural network ('multilayer perceptron') created completely from scratch and trained on the MNIST digit database.
My interest in logical arguments fostered a love for proofs and mathematical explanations. I am currently a Mathematics major at the University of Waterloo.
I enjoy the algorithm design process as it imitates and often necessitates a proof of the algorithm's correctness.
Photography is an excellent excuse to spend all day in nature! I love taking in beautiful scenes and saving them for family and friends.
A feedforward neural network ('multilayer perceptron') created completely from scratch and trained on the MNIST digit database.
A simple graphical experience simulating the symmetry of a kaleidoscope
A 3D renderer capable of displaying any model represented by a signed distance field
A Newtonian physics simulation featuring multiple bodies interacting through gravity and collision
A pathfinding algorithm implemented over a tiled infinite plane with user-generated obstacles
A player agent for the game Othello (A.K.A. Reversi) which is reasonably skilled and performant, implemented through the Minimax algorithm